Digital Surfer


Fast and modern consultation

Digital Surfer is a virtual catalog, technical solution consisting in hardware and software components that allow the management of the company’s wide variety of products and/or services as well as their presentation.

It is a modular solution consisting of:

1. An entry-level mediaserver with a 22” touchscreen display (in its standard version) as hardware;

2. An autonomous content navigation software (GUI) and the product database management software .


– Using an innovative and effective communication tool replacing the obsolete paper catalog;

– Fast and modern products/services consultation;

– Automatic catalogue update according to company management;

– Ability to display products and services not being limited by their storage and/or immediate availability.

Hardware & Software


– Video quality ( High Brightness Full HD touchscreen display)

– 24/70 intensive use

– Low maintenance profile

– Self diagnostic via Vimage OS, for a constant screening of the device functioning

– Ethernet or wireless connectivity

– Automatic products/services update



Interactive table

Multimedia totems