Stores & Showrooms


Add value to the purchasing process

The retail store is the best place to create a relationship between the customer and the company and/or brand, a place where the client does not just buy, but looks out for an’experience that would improve and intensify his/her purchasing process.

The interactive showcases, magical virtual mirrors, logos and olfactory paths, video-walls and interactive projections as well as many other interactive solutions offered by Vimage magnify these spaces and trigger customer loyalty mechanisms..

These are technologies that communicate with and inform the customer, that entertain him in such a way that the brand will be remembered. These technologies improve customer retention via entertainment. In addition to merely functional applications such as digital catalogues or virtual mirrors, companies increasingly think of leisure and entertainment solutions to promote their retail stores. The client is often taken to come back because of an advergaming application uses by the stores.This application not only leaves a positive brand-impression as it is a game to which contests and/or sweepstakes can be combined, but can have many other outcomes.

A company’s showroom can be considered as a material businesscard and its image and updated exhibition should therefore be strengthened and boosted.

It should not only expose the latest product versions and news, but should also present the company’s stability and will to innovate.

The corporate image and reputation can be strengthened by these interactive technologies because they are designed to forge a magical world in the clients’ eyes, and convince the most sceptical staff members.