Museums & Culture


Interactivity for Art

Other than offering a wide range of customizable products, Vimage can also design and implement an endless number of multifunctional and tailor-made technologies for the cultural sector..

Vimage’s The Museum&Artdepartment of Quality Solution can develop 360° integrated solutions based on the museums’ and cultural institutions’ individual needs beginning with consultancy and going on with feasibility studies, design, planning, manufacturing, and set-up to finish with customer service.

Interactive surfaces (touchscreens, muti-touch or touch-less), info points, audio/video systems, specific lighting technics, fragrance diffusion, custom management platforms, etc. are here integrated and merged in high added value solutions. Request our white paper for more information.

Our offer

Permanent and temporary display solutions

The interactive multimedia systems are used to enhance exhibition spaces, create an immersive and multisensory didactical path, and create a direct interaction between the visitor and the exposed products. Our technologies are powerful communication, information, entertainment and educational entertainment tools as they transform the museum and artistic experience in a dynamic, involving, emotional and highly suggestive enjoyment experience.

Management solutions (Multimedia Automation)

Our offer is not limited to staging spectacular, interactivity and multisensory because it is fundamental for the museums to find an efficient business support in their technological partner. That is why Vimage offers a targeted set of tools, such as customized effective museum resources’ management software,enabling a simplified control of the various technologies and an improved museum management. . . . ..

Solutions for events and related activities

Vimage’s innovative technologies can bring added value to all of the events that take place out of the museum, exhibition inauguration, extra-museum rental activities, and to all of the activities offered by avant-garde museums.