Interior Design & Furnishing


Functionality, design, well-being

Vimage’s interactive and multisensory technologies create highly emotional immersive environments in order to:

    1. Increase people’s well-being,
    2. Decorate and embellish environments;
    3. Let the spaces become morefunctional,
    4. Shaping everyone’s perfect and ideal size: making life easier having everything within hand’s reach.

This is not only meant for the house environment, that is hi-tech furniture applications in an “ambient assisted living” or furthermore in a luxury residence, but also for commercial, public and corporate ones.

It is indeed very important for places like restaurants, nightclubs, stores, hotels, etc. to differentiate themselves from competitors. This differentiation could take place in the added value given to the experiences made in their places thanks to the furniture’s subtlety and/or the combination of functionality and design.

People’s gestures giving simultaneously life to floors and wall, lighting games and suggestions, display, fragrances diffusors, and interactive tables are not only all ideal tools to impress, entertain and improve the clients’ retention but also to launch some kind of viral marketing such as word of mouth, or buzz.

At the end of the day, the client does not experience a time or space limited adventure, but can find the same emotions or part of this experience at home via his web and social networks access.