Hospitality & Food Service


Customer Satisfaction

Enhancing facilities clients’ wellbeing and satisfaction with e added value services is a key element in the competitive environment of tourism and hospitality that moreover plays such a crucial role in Italy.

Interior design and furniture excelling in multimedia technologies such as interactive surfaces (ex.: floors, walls, tables, bar, …) increase these facilities’ appeal. Floor and/or wall interactive projections could intensify hotels’ lobbies: a virtual carpet or tapestry with customized pictures, design effects, the own logo, or any other graphics changing according to the clients’ passage could for instance be created.

Design goals are not the unique reasons for which hospitality companies should use innovative technologies. In fact, they also have a functional goal, they allow to give exclusive services, or traditional ones in an exclusive manner, that competitors cannot offer. Dinning areas could be an example as they could propose touch or multi-touch surfaces information points, such as interactive tables, on which multiple users could share tourist or other useful information. Technologies and applications meant to make the client’s living more comfortable, such as fragrances and customized perfumes’ diffusors could be set-up in rooms.